Dog training tips from the Professionals

How do professional dog trainers conduct K9 Training? Training dogs is a complicated process. It requires skills and knowledge to effectively handle unwanted dog behaviors. Many pet owners have attempted to train their dogs themselves but ended up paying for professional dog training services because they couldn’t get it right. Almost always, their dog training endeavors ended up in disappointment and frustration. True enough, if you don’t possess the knowledge and skills to train dogs, you’re better off hiring a professional trainer.

You have to understand that not all dogs are the same. Even if they have the same breed, yes, they may share some similarities in terms of behavior, but generally, a dog’s personality is unique just like in humans. Lucky for you, some of the most popular dog training experts have shared tips that you will find useful to keep your dog from misbehaving. However, these tips do not replace professional dog training classes. So, if you want your dog to behave well and to follow commands we still believe that enrolling your dog in dog training classes is the best way to go.

Tip Number 1: Barking

All dogs bark, that’s a given. Since they can’t talk, barking is their way of communicating with humans and other animals. Unfortunately, some dogs bark too much. This excessive barking can be annoying. Is it possible to train your dog to stop barking? The answer is yes. According to dog training experts, the easiest method to stop a dog from barking excessively is to reward them when they are not barking. Easy, right? This method of training is called positive reinforcement. When you train your dog this way, it’s easier if you have a clicker. A clicker is a small device that makes a constant sound when you press it.

However, using the clicker method is only useful if your dog underwent clicker training because your dog needs to associate the sound with a treat. Whenever you click the clicker you should immediately hand your dog the treat. Do this several times until your dog gives all of its attention to you whenever it hears the clicking sound.

To stop the barking you’ll have to create a scenario. For example, if the ringing of the doorbell triggers your dog to bark, you must press the clicker and give your dog a treat even before they start to bark. When your dark barks after hearing the doorbell, withhold the treats. Don’t be angry, just stay neutral. When your dog is being attentive again and is no longer barking, you can click on the clicker and give the treat. Repeat until your dog learns that not barking when the doorbell is rung means it will receive a treat. This tip is from Stephanie Mantilla, a Positive Animal Trainer and Enrichment Specialist.

Tip Number 2: Jumping on People

Jumping is another natural behavior of dogs and they usually do it when they want to greet you. Jumping is a non-issue for pet owners but for guests and other family members, it can be a nuisance. As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to teach your dog not to jump on people. To do this, you must set an example for your dog. Let your dog know that jumping on you is considered inappropriate. If you continue to let your dog jump on you, it will think that jumping on others is okay.

Training your dog to stop jumping starts by completely ignoring your dog until it stops. Don’t touch your dog and don’t talk to it until it’s finally settled. When your dog is calm, initiate the greeting by getting down to its level and just simply say hello. When your dog isn’t jumping, give your dog a reward. Again, this is positive reinforcement. This tip is from Karen Reese who is a Fear Free Certified Animal Trainer.


The best way to set your dog up for success is to give your dog a treat when it does something good and withhold a treat if it starts misbehaving. We do not encourage punishment since it’s counterproductive. Why hurt your dog when you can simply train them through the use of treats? It’s only a matter of time before they understand what you’re trying to teach them. Keep in mind that for training to be successful, you have to be consistent. Spend each day training your dog in short durations to keep them entertained. Repeat until they master the command. You should only advance the training when your dog has already mastered previous basic commands.

Nick White
Nick White
Nick White is the owner of Off Leash K9 Training. He has over 80 dog training franchise locations throughout the United States. He currently hosts the A&E show, America's Top Dog.

Nick White

Nick White is the owner of Off Leash K9 Training. He has over 80 dog training franchise locations throughout the United States. He currently hosts the A&E show, America's Top Dog.
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