Can Improved Security Measures at Schools Prevent Shootings?

A gunman, a former student of Stoneman Douglas High School, opened fire on former classmates and teachers on Valentine’s Day of 2018. Accused gunman, Nikolas Cruz, killed 17 students and injured many more. The shooting, that occurred in Parkland, Florida, is considered to be one of the deadliest school shootings in the United States in the past five years. And now, Houston mayor, Sylvester Turner, may be turning to security companies Houston businesses employ, in order to keep one campus safe after a recent shooting.

In response to recent shootings, town hall meetings have been placed on the national stage with children, parents and officials all discussing ways to improve security measures at schools to prevent the same scene from playing out in another school. During these town hall meetings, those in attendance looked at the problems that may be involved in causing these types of tragic incidents as well as the different ways everyone can work together to prevent and resolve them.

However, one thing was very clear after each town hall gathering. It is essential that security is improved in schools to prevent mass shootings and to protect students, teachers and staff in schools. There have been several solutions suggested to stop school shootings.

Gun Laws Must Be Strengthened

Ever since the Columbine School shootings that occurred in the 1990s, there has been a call from survivors and their families of school shootings to tighten the gun laws in the United States. In fact, there has even been a call to make a change to the 2nd Amendment.

Supporters of the change want to change the phrase ‘the right to bear arms‘ to the ‘privilege to bear arms.’ Many believe that true pro-gun activists will appreciate the change in order to establish ground rules.

Some of the other changes are:

  • Ensuring every gun owner is mentally stable
  • Must have a reasonable need to obtain a gun
  • Gun owners must undergo regular mandatory training
  • Give police the power to inspect guns for safety

Other suggestions have included making convictions for gun crimes more stringent. Those with repeated offenses should face tougher and longer sentences.

Arm Each School

Another security measure that has been suggested several times is to place guns in schools. In addition to having resource officers in schools, many people believe that individuals in schools, such as teachers and principals, should also be armed.

The argument for armed schools is that many of the gunman know that they are walking into institutions that are considered Gun Free Zones. This means that the schools do not have a way to defend themselves once an armed person walks into the building.

However, this proposed security measure has been met with backlash and opposition. Those who oppose have called it irresponsible and can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Defensive Measures

One suggestion that has been gaining traction is to make schools more defensive. This means that the current security plans that are in place in the schools will need to be increased and improved upon. Some of the measures suggested include:

  • Installing metal detectors at every entrance
  • Requiring visitors to go through security checks
  • Multiple armed guards in schools

The reasoning is that schools should be just as secure as federal buildings, courthouses and airports.

Reduce the Amount Of Violence That Is Shown In The Media

Many advocates have called for the reduction or elimination of violence in the media. Even President Trump has stated he believes video games are partially responsible for the increase in violence that is seen in today’s youth.

Parents have been stating for over 30 years that television, radio and now the Internet glorifies killings and weapons. The ‘thug’ and criminal mentality is popular among young boys and girls, and this type of lifestyle seems appealing. By placing some of the blame on the entertainment industry, many advocates believe that would be a progressive first step in stopping school shootings.

These are some of the solutions that have been proposed to stop mass shootings, including school shootings. However, it will take the country coming together to find the best ways to address and end these incidents.

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